Meet The Doula

Certified End-of-Life Doula 

If you asked me at 10 years old what I dreamed of becoming, then I would’ve unequivocally said “a mortician!” Growing up, I was deeply moved by time spent in the local funeral home for occasional visitations and funerals. Ted the mortician had the respect of the community, and he helped families during one of the most difficult times of their lives. I wanted to help too and attended mortuary college after high school, but this career path did not lead me to the work I felt called to do. 

I admit to feeling lost, as my life-long dream sat unrealized for years while I searched for my true calling. Then I found a video of Alua Arthur. As she described Death Doula work, I knew that was my life-long dream. Death work – specifically being of service to people in this realm – is my life’s work and greatest honor.  

Alua Arthur’s energy and passion led me to gain training and certification through Going With Grace, and I continue to learn with every doula interaction.  

Currently, I host a monthly Death Café and am available for public speaking engagements.  I am also an artist specializing in preserved flowers and resin art, so I bring a unique perspective to art within rites and rituals related to dying.  

Britna Savarese